Who am I?

My name is Collette Butler. I live in Launceston, Tasmania with my husband Nathan and our dogs.

I never imagined myself writing a book or having the title of author until almost 3 years ago now I gave birth to Amelia Maree - my first born, at 38 weeks gestation. Amelia was born still.

Prior to having Amelia I worked ( & still do) as a nurse and as a midwife briefly. Since I began nursing I developed a passion around women’s health which evolved into an interest in supportive families during baby loss. I strived to educate and improve areas of my local hospital/the ward I was working on around ways to support our patients through the grief of baby loss.

2020 came around and in the middle of the covid pandemic I gave birth of Amelia at the end of what was a very straightforward and uncomplicated pregnancy. Amelia died during labour as a result of the umbilical cord positioning.

I held my lifeless baby in my arms and my life changed forever.

Since Amelia’s death my husband and I tried to conceive a sibling for her. We underwent three miscarriages in the three years that followed. As I write this and set up this website I am blessed with my fifth pregnancy and am currently 34 weeks pregnant.

My vision behind Still a birth - in the beginning was just a way of debriefing and writing out what had happened as a way of coping with the grief. Since I began writing this book I have dove back into my passion for baby loss support and hope that this book may bring some support and comfort to those that read it.

Supporting business/organisations of products include:

  • Storm & India 
  • Blossom & Pear

  • The Happy Uterus

  • Baby Boho by me

  • Feathers from Jack

Baby Loss Boxes

In 2022 I organised and hosted a Baby Loss fundraiser & awareness event in my local area. I spoke of Amelia’s story, the importance of supporting families through baby loss and raised funds for baby loss boxes. These boxes I designed and created myself after conversations with other bereaved mums about particular items to include.

These boxes weren’t designed to replace any of the other amazing support resources such as Bears of Hope but to complement them and offer a care package from one local family to another. Some profit from the sale of Still a birth will go towards covering the costs of these baby loss boxes and the donations of them to health services

Items include:

  • Tea Bags - Early grey or English Breakfast

  • x 2 Mugs

  • Macrame rainbow

  • A wooden photo frame

  • Resource booklet

  • Donated copies of - Miles apart by Annebel Bower

  • Soft toy - Swan or Rabbit

  • Eye pillow what pack

  • Heirloom blanket